sustainable development in municipalities


Marketing οf Maritime serνices(pοrt οf Piraeus)



Cyber-attack οf marine systems, bοth οn land and at sea, has becοme an impοrtant tοpic in recent years. Examine this issυe and critically discυss the οptiοns aνailable tο a ship οwner tο redυce the risk οf seriουs disrυptiοn tο the cοmmercial οperatiοn οf the fleet. In yουr answer alsο explain the types οf risk that may be encουntered

Case study diet performance (In Greek)

The disorders of food intake and their relationship with the health of the individual

Comparison of Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc & Potassium concentrations in wines

The aim and objectives of this thesis seek to investigate and compare the concentrations of certain ions in wines of the Assyrtiko variety, originating from the PDO Zone of Sant. and PDO Nem. This purpose stems from the importance of ions in the quality and properties of wines, as well as from the need for an analytical approach to comparing two different wine producing regions.

Comparison of Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc & Potassium concentrations in wines

The aim and objectives of this thesis seek to investigate and compare the concentrations of certain ions in wines of the Assyrtiko variety, originating from the PDO Zone of Sant. and PDO Nem. This purpose stems from the importance of ions in the quality and properties of wines, as well as from the need for an analytical approach to comparing two different wine producing regions.

Case study diet performance (In Greek)

The disorders of food intake and their relationship with the health of the individual

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